Monday, September 28, 2009

Hey… This PR stuff actually works!

And size doesn’t always really matter…

It may seem odd or ironic, but after all this time in the PR business and all the preaching and pontificating I’ve done over the years on the value of media outreach, it still brings a smile to my face (as it would any appreciative client) when I see the results of a good solid publicity placement in a medium that is directed at a key audience. And once again, it’s proved that this kind of strategic hit with the right message doesn’t have to be lengthy…just focused. In this instance, a few lines about INK inc. at the bottom of a column What Have You Done for Me Lately? by Geoff Williams in the October issue of Entrepreneur magazine.

The results thus far after only a week of publication…five strong new client prospects have contacted us inquiring about INK’s pay-for-performance PR services. This, I believe, proves at least two things…the economy is beginning to recover…and, this PR stuff actually works!

As mentioned, the piece is short but it covers succinctly what we at INK refer to as “the why.” That is, the reason or “the why” that a prospective customer or investor will be interested…the essence of a company that will drive a prospect to immediately pick up the phone, or at minimum commit it to memory for future action. It’s what gives a publicity placement value. Without it, it’s just a nice story.

In our case, it’s the line, “Clients pony up only when they get media coverage, and if the exposure is small, the client pays less.”

Obviously a few clients are getting the message. Enough said.

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