A pox on both your houses…
I’ve been wisely counseled that it’s better to tone down my blog posts and do less railing against my own brothers and sisters in the PR industry and write of the great positives that transpire and inspire us to keep persevering in this vastly misunderstood profession. It’s no secret that I don’t subscribe to the traditional PR compensation model…fat retainers based on even more bloated hourly fees; and that I believe that the accountability of pay-for-performance PR is fairer and ultimately more productive for all the parties. And, that I particularly don’t like the arrogance of many PR agencies nor their counterparts in the media…old, new, or social. Thus, I’ve tried over my last few blog posts to follow a reformed line and stay toward the beige of the profession.
But then I run across Michael Arrington’s latest rant in his (I’m sad to admit) influential TechCrunch posting, “I Pissed Off a Spammer Today” regarding his encounter with press release spammer, prMac, and I can’t help but fall immediately off the wagon and head for my keyboard with a vengeance.
Here’s a snippet of what the Lord Arrington has to say…

“It’s no secret that we consider the PR industry, for the most part, the bane of our existence. They’re just under too much pressure to get results, and when we don’t do what they want (write about their clients), things turn ugly. And before things turn ugly, we get spammed. By phone, by Twitter, by Facebook, by email, by mail and by fedex. Some PR firms will lie, cheat, manipulate and then just smear your reputation to get what they want.”
Really, Michael? And technology blog postings…particularly those that have made a practice and considerable revenue by deciding which companies and which technologies deserve their lucrative praise… are the purest form of media journalism and therefore deserve to throw stones at will at an entire profession dedicated to supplying that which has made you so important…information that you pass along, true or not. Give me a break…
Ironically however, the Lord Arrington was at least half correct in his hyperbole. Not in his rant against PR-types in general, but about the firm, prMac, that is not a public relations firm per se, rather a distribution company for press releases written by the PR-types that seem to plague Arrington like a swarm of gnats on a summer picnic. But again to add to the irony, Arrington is not upset about what this firm does…distribute multitudes of written material of dubious news value and charge their customers accordingly…but that he can’t get them to leave his particular picnic alone. And because his picnic has been ruined for the day and put him in such a bad mood, he decides it’s worth a ridiculous inference…that spammers of email press releases are PR professionals…
“…the whole PR profession really needs to get a grip. We aren’t here to do their bidding. We serve our readers. At least, the readers we like. And our community. If they want to be part of that community, they need to lose the sense of entitlement…”
Arrington’s arrogance however isn’t any greater than that of a company that seems to believe that the mass distribution of press releases via email spam is a legitimate means of gaining positive awareness…nor the ignorance of those PR firms that pay these folks for such a dubious service.
Next time…back to beige.
1 comment:
If you would like to know the real truth about Arrington's blog rant, feel free to contact prMac at any time.
I'll be delighted to give you the unvarnished story of how this came about.
Thanks for your post -
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