Monday, December 22, 2008

Embargos, exclusives, and suck-ups, oh my ...

Once in the land of blogs nestled in the valley of silicon lived a large man, Sir Arrington of TechCrunch, with a small pen that grew to believe through haze of smoke and the magnification of many mirrors that his pen was mightier and more powerful than all the inhabitants of the valley…and indeed of all those that came to visit his words posted along the great highway. That with a single keystroke of his instrument, he had the power to create immense wealth or almost instant demise. Those that lived within the boundaries of this great highway, which seemed to both begin and end at times in the valley of silicon, catered to and feared this man’s pen and its perceived power. They sent personal emissaries to bid for the man’s even slightest attention and brief acknowledgement…begging for his positive notice in return for knowledge that he alone would receive.

But alas, one day in a fit of pique and after a multitude of emissary encroachments upon his personal lair, all promising special knowledge in return for his favors, the great man bellowed from his mountaintop, “ENOUGH! No More!” “I have all the knowledge I need or could ever use. I am tired from sycophants clawing at my feet, promising special knowledge in return for me holding my great and powerful pen even a second longer than I must.”
Death to the Embargo

And the emissaries grew frightened. Even though there were other pens in the valley of silicon and elsewhere along the great highway, none were perceived to produce such wealth or harm as that held by Sir Arrington. As emissaries and devoted sycophants to their masters whose lives depended upon the bounties grown along the great highway; and whose riches depended upon having these bounties acknowledged through the written word, they knew not what to do?

In a great vision however, it came to them on how to please both their masters as well as the great Sir Arrington…do what we have always done…only more so. Self-flagellation to begin….acknowledge the error of their ways and the wisdom of the great man for bringing it forth. Beg for forgiveness and promise to ferret out the severe offenders and offer them as sacrifices. And of course, charge mightily by the hour…
TechCrunch Kills The Embargo, But PR Holds the Smoking Gun

And a great peace fell across the land of blogs and a sigh was heard across the valley of silicon.

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